Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Battleship First Day Use

by Bob Hohertz

As readers of this blog may or may not know, I am a longtime editor of The Check Collector, the quarterly magazine of the American Society of Check Collectors.  Recently, a member of the ASCC sent me a picture of a check with a first day use of a two-cent battleship, asking if I would start an inventory of known uses.

As we know, first day use of the battleships are much harder to find than first day uses of the serif I.R. overprints.  My feeling is that they went to the smaller population centers, while the overprints went to the larger ones, but this isn't borne out by a rigorous study.  It might be useful to document the known first day battleship uses in order to get an idea of where they really were shipped. 

This first day use on a certificate of deposit hails from Virginia City, Montana.  This would be a population area large enough to get a shipment of stamps, but not a large one.  On the other hand, I have first day uses of overprinted stamps from Philadelphia, Boston, Hartford and Saint Louis, but I haven't seen first day uses  of battleships from those places.

So, please, if you would, send me listings (and 300 dpi scans, if you would) of any first day uses of the two-cent battleship and I will try to put together an inventory listing for the October - December issue of The Check Collector and link to it from here so you won't need to be a member of ASCC to see it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Bob,

    I just sent an email with images that may be helpful,

    I have the following checks to show you for inclusion on your website

    The first is drawn on the State Bank of Warsaw (Warsaw, Indiana) dated July 1, 1898 (a Friday) and Paid on the same day, a true first day usage!

    The second one is from the same bank and account, but dated July 2, 1898 (a Saturday) but Paid on July 5, 1898 (a Tuesday) because of the weekend and that Monday was a holiday (July 4)

    Both checks are on white paper, but for some reason the scans make them appear a pinkish hue, they were printed by Gast of St. Louis.

    I hope these examples are of help to you, I myself was thrilled to aquire them,

    Thanks in advance,

    Stephen DeLieto


    I have another check to scan, from Bridgeport, Connecticut, dated July 1, 1898 but Paid the following day at a New York Bank, but it has the Provisional Stamp and not the Battleship, will send the image if you are interested.
