Insurance Companies

Insurance companies and their agents used millions of 1898 documentary revenue stamps, in particular, the 1/2 cent, 4, 40 and 80 cent stamps, though their cancels may be found on every value in the documentary series.  This page, and its sister page Insurance Agents, include a list of cancels posted on this website.  You are invited to browse the links below and view the scans of canceled stamps by dozens of different insurance companies.  

The US 1898 War Revenue Law, in summary, taxed insurace policies as follows:

Life Insurance: Policy of insurance...upon life or lives, for each one hundred dollars or fractional part thereof, eight cents on the amount insured: Provided, That on all policies, for life insurance only, issued on the industrial or weekly payment plan of insurance, the tax shall be forty per centum of the amount of the first weekly premium.  Fraternal and cooperative societies providing insurance-type programs were exempt from these taxes.

Marine, Inland & Fire Insurance: Each policy ... upon property of any description ... whether against peril by sea or inland waters, or by fire or lightning, upon the amount of premium charged [shall be taxed] one-half of one percent on each dollar or fractional part thereof.

Casualty, Fidelity & Guarantee Insurance: Each policy of insurance ... of the nature of indemnity for loss, damage or bond or obligation...transacting the business of accident, fidelity, employer's liability, plate glass, steam boiler, burglary, elevator, automatic sprinkler ... and each bond undertaking or recognizance, conditioned for the performance of any office...or guaranteeing titles to real estate or mercantile credits...[taxed] one half of one cent on each dollar or fractional part thereof.

The following list of links includes many major insurance companies, both US-based and foreign.  Many of these companies would sell policies directly to clients, as well as through independent agents, so they often canceled revenue stamps with their business name or initials.

Aetna Fire Insurance Company

Aetna Life Insurance Company

American Surety Company

Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company

Armenia Insurance Company

Berkshire Life Insurance Company

Boston Insurance Company

Caledonian Insurance Company of Scotland

Chicago Insurance Company

Concordia Fire Insurance Company

Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company

Continental Assurance Company of North America

Continental Insurance Company of New York

County Fire Insurance Company

Des Moines Insurance Company

Empire City Fire Insurance Company

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Fidelity & Casualy Company

Fire Association of Philadelphia

Firemans Fund Insurance Company

Firemen's Insurance Company

Franklin Fire Insurance Company

German Insurance Company of Freeport, IL

German-American Insurance Company

Germania Fire Insurance Company

Granite State Fire Insurance Company

The Greenwich Insurance Company

Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Company

Hanover Fire Insurance Company

Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hartford (Chicago)

Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company

Hawkeye Insurance Company

Holyoke Mutual Fire Insurance Company

Home Insurance Company

Imperial Insurance Company of London

Insurance Company of North America

Jefferson Mutual Insurance Company

Lancashire Insurance Company

Liverpool &London & Globe Insurance Company

Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company

London Guarantee & Accident Company

London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company

Magdeburg Fire Insurance Company

Maryland Casualty Company

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Company

Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company

National Accident Society

National Fire Insurance Company

National Surety Company of New York

National Union Insurance Company

New England Mutual Life Insurance Company

New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company

New York Plate Glass Insurance Company

Niagara Fire Insurance Company

North American Insurance Company

Northern Assurance Company

Northern Life Association

Northwestern Life Association

Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society

Palatine Insurance Company

Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company

Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company

Phenix Insurance Company

Phoenix Assurance Company of London

Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford

Preferred Accident Insurance Company

Provident Life & Trust Company

Provident Savings Life Assurance Society

Queen Insurance Company

Royal Exchange Assurance 

Royal Insurance Company

Scottish Union & National Insurance Company

Security Mutual Life Insurance Company

State Life Insurance Company

Sun Insurance Office of London

Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum

Teutonia Insurance Company of New Orleans

Traders Insurance Company

The Travelers + The Travelers Album + The Travelers Types + Travel Policy

United Firemens Insurance Company

United States Fidelity & Guarantee Company

United States Guarantee Company

Vermont Life Insurance Company

West Jersey Title & Guaranty Company

Western Mutual Life Association

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