NYSE Brokers 1898 - 1902 A thru K

January 27, 2024

During the Spanish American War tax period (July 1, 1898 to June 30, 1902), the New York Stock Exchange maintained 1100 members on an annual basis.  Some of these members worked together in partnerships, some worked solo on the exchange, and many worked together with non-members in firms that actively traded on the exchange.  Over the four year tax period, some firms closed up for good, others reorganized, and new firms were created.  In general, when members were part of a firm, their transactions were documented with sale memos, which held the tax stamps required by the War Revenue Law, and which were canceled with the firm's branded canceling devices.  Individual traders would use canceling devices with their names or initials, or in pinch, cancel by writing their name and date with a pen.

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing not only produced the battleship series of stamps which were occasionally used on stock sale memos, but also the dollar values of the 1898 series, which show what is called an "allegorical figure of commerce", basically a robed woman holding a three masted ship in her right hand.  The dollar denominated stamps are particularly good at showing cancels when off document.  They are wide and tall, and many of the values and series were printed in colors that help to show the cancels well.  The brokers at the NYSE were voracious users of these stamps, and used 1898 dollar stamps with hand stamped cancels quite commonly originate from Wall Street.

So theoretically it should be possible to collect examples of stamps and documants canceled by all the firms and individuals that traded at the NYSE.  The trick is establishing what is out there.  Some firms were stable over the four years with the same number of members as partners, while many seats changed hands over the tax period, members passed away, and firms opened and closed.  

Together with David Thompson I've been working on a comprehensive spreadsheet of NYSE firms and members from 1898 to 1902, though the work is quite detailed and tedious.  We have a complete listing of the 1900 firms, and are working to add the members for the years 1898, 99, 1901 & 1902.  We hope to make the Gooogle Sheet file (which is searchable by individual, firm, and initials of the firm) publicly available soon.  Standy by!  

The tools we are using to help establish the universe of possible firms and individuals include the following:
  • The official NYSE 1898 Directory of Members, which also includes a list of partnerships
  • Unofficial lists of members of the NYSE in the 1900, 1901 and 1902 Moody's guides.  
We are missing an 1899 membership list.  Moody's first published in 1900, so there is no 1899 list available that way.  Ideally, the official NYSE Lists for 1899-1902 would be best for this work.  And we hope to get them.  

A convenient aspect of the NYSE membership year at the time is that it started on July 1.  So the 1898 list of members, dated July 1, is presumably accurate with regards members that might have used and canceled stamps from the first day of the tax period.  The same is true for 1902, where the membership list starts on July 1 and rolls up any new members or firms that might have been created or joined between July 1, 1901 and June 30, 1902.

David and I have come up with 100s of different examples of stamps canceled by NYSE individuals  and firms during the 1898 tax period, and are seeking to produce as much of a complete collection as possible of the 1100 that traded annually for those four years.  We've found far more than we are missing.  

Below you'll find what amounts to our reference collection of known firms and individuals trading at the NYSE.  On this page are the brokers from A through K.  We'll add a new tab to the home page and a new page for brokers L though Z in the coming weeks or months.  In the meantime I'll be adding notes to each broker below as time allows, as well brokers that are known, but for which we have no available canceled stamp examples.

In July 1898 and through mid-1902, Frederick T. Adams and William E. Pearl, both members of the NYSE, were in partnership in the firm F. T. Adams & Company.   

William C. Kellog held the seat on the NYSE from 1898-1902 while working with his non-member partners in the firm Adams, Kellog and Mason.

William S. Brigham was the NYSE seated partner of the firm Adams, McNeil & Brigham, and held his seat through late 1901 and perhaps into early 1902.  I believe the firm was dissolved in 1901 or early 1902.  Charles Adams and Alexander McNeill were unseated partners.

Edward L. Norton held the NYSE seat for Henry Allen's firm in 1898.  Mr. Allen was not a member of the exchange.  By 1900 Edward L. Norton had left Henry Allen and had formed the firm Street & Norton with William G. Street.  It is not clear whether Henry Allen & Co was still in business and trading by mid 1899.  The latest cancel above is dated Jan 1899.

Allen, Sand did not exist by July, 1898.  The firm was formed sometime after the start of the 1898 tax period and is listed as trading by 1900 and through 1902 with E. Hunt Allen Jr. holding a seat on the exchange.  The R173 above was canceled in Jan 1900.

Allen, Wood & McGraw shows up in the NYSE lists for 1901 and strangely not the 1900 list.  And I'm missing the 1899 list.  Just so happens the memo above is dated 1899.  Some more work is due to sort out this firm.

William Alley held a seat on the NYSE but bounced around between firms and trading under his own name during the 1898 tax period.  As of July 1898, he was associated with the firm John Wallace & Co., then July 1990 with the firm Wilcox & Co., then by May 1901 and through the end of the tax period in 1902, trading independently.

Alling Reynolds was the successor to Alling Secor.  The memo above was likely used in the first month in the transition between firms.  Note the Alling Reynolds handstamp over the printed and branded Alling Secor Co memo.  As George Secor was the partner with the seat on the exchange in the original Alling Secor firm, Edward Alling found a new partner with a seat on the exchange in Theodore Reynolds, and an additional NYSE member partner John M. Clark. 

The Alling, Secor firm was in business by July 1898, but was dissolved in 1900.  Based on the date of the memo of the Alling Secor memo above, the firm was still trading in May of 1900.  And based on the memo of sale of Alling Secor's successor, Alling Reynolds, it would appear Alling Secor closed up at the end of May or by June 1, 1900.  George Secor was the seated member of this firm.

Frederick F. Ames began July 1898 trading under his own name, and maintained a seat on the NYSE from his admittance in 1891 through the tax period and likely beyond, though oddly, he is not listed as a member of the exchange in Moody's in the 1901 edition, though he is listed in 1900 and 02.  Likely an editorial oversight?  He would create a partnership with Charles Miller and trade under the name Ames & Miller by 1901, if not sometime in 1900.

Ames & Miller was created by Frederick Ames sometimes in late 1900 or early 1901.  E. F. Raynor was based at his firm with his own seat on the exchange but was not a partner in the firm.

J. M. Amory was the seated member of his self named firm, and held his seat throughout the 1898 tax period.  It appears that he never took on any seated partners during this time.  The stamps above were canceled in 1900; there should be J. M. A. & Son or J. M. Amory & Son cancels in 98, 99, 01 & 02.

Louis H. Amy was the seated partner in the firm Henry Amy & Company.  The firm appears to have been stable with no changes from 1898 to 1902.

The firm Andrews & Criss was not yet organized by July 1, 1898.  As of that date, Charles Lee Andrews was a partner in Peters & Andrews with Charles G. Peters, who each held seats on the NYSE.  Also of that date, Hugh F. Criss was trading at W. H. Whittingham, also with a seat on the exchange.  Andrews & Criss was organized either in late 1898 or in early 1899, as the stamp above was canceled by the firm in 1899.  The partners were listed as trading with the firm through 1901, but by 1902, Charles Lee Andrews was with DeCoppet & Doremus and Hugh Criss had created his own firm, Hugh F. Criss & Company.  I'm looking for a Hugh F. Criss & Co. cancel.

George E. Armstrong & Co first appears in the NYSE records in 1900 with his NYSE-member partner J. F. A. Clark who had been a named partner in the firm Clark & Ward at the beginning of the tax period.  By 1901, Armstrong had added a named partner to his firm, F. A. Schirmer.  George E. Armstrong & Co was reorganized and became Armstrong, Schirmer & Company.

Armstrong, Schirmer & Company was the successor to George E. Armstrong & Company and was organized by 1901.

Ashwell & Company was trading when the 1898 tax period began, with E. D. Morgan Waterman as the partner with the seat on the exchange.  The firm remained in operation with Waterman as their seated partner through the tax period.  

By July 1, 1898, Asiel & Company had 3 partners with seats on the NYSE:  Maurice Seligmann, S. S. Prince, and Louis Frankenheimer.  They would add another partner with a seat during the tax period: William Erdman, and a seated nonpartner, William Frankenheimer.  Asiel was a big firm.

If Asiel was a big firm, J. S. Bache was bigger.  Born of the Leopold Cahn brokerage that was organized in 1879, Jules Bache reorganized the firm in his own name in 1892 and built the company into one of the most important financial organization in the US and world.  As of July 1, 1898, the firm included the following partners with seats on the NYSE: Hugo Blumenthal, Stephen Bayer and Leopold Cahn.  Other seated partners would be added over the tax period including Herbert Scheftel, William Wollman, and Arthur Cahn along with two seated but non-partner associates.

Lathrop R. Bacon held a seat on the NYSE, and would trade through his self-named firm until the end of 1901.  He contracted pneumonia and died in January 1902.

Frederick Ballard held a seat on NYSE and was a partner with Alfred De Cordova & Co at the start of tax period on July 1, 1898.  By 1900, Ballard & De Cordova was organized.  Alfred De Cordova also held a seat on NYSE.  Further on this page can be found Alfred De Cordova & Co canceled stamps.

Elisha Bangs held a seat on the NYSE from the beginning of the tax period through 1900; he sold or transfered his seat sometime in late 1900 or early 1901.  Based in Boston, the firm E. D. Bangs was not listed as a NYSE partnership in 1898.

Augustine Banks was a member of the NYSE from the start to the end of the 1898 tax period.  

Charles M. Newcombe was the only seated partner for William D. Barbour & Company from July 1, 1898 into 1901, but by 1902 Newcombe was listed as a partner with Thomas Denny & Company.  I'll need to enter in the data from the July 1902 NYSE membership list to know whether William D. Barbour & Co was still in operation at the end of the tax period.

Baring, Magoun & Company was created in the United States by Tom Baring, of the British Barings Bank family, and George C. Magoun, a colleague that Baring met when both worked at Kidder Peabody.  Herbert Griggs was the partner with a seat at the NYSE at the start of the 1898 tax period.  By 1900, Baring, Magoun's seated partner was T. Suffern Tailer, with F. D. Winslow a NYSE member and associate of the firm from 98 to 02.

These guys are complicated.  Barnes Bros began the 1898 tax period with 3 partners with seats on the exchange: the bros themselves (Howel & Davis) and Edgar C Jurgensen.  By 1900, Howel appears to have given up his seat.  By 1901, Jurgensen would be trading as an independent.  You can find him on this page further down.  Meanwhile, another Barnes with a seat would join the firm as an associate in 1900, James Barnes.  

No complications here like those with the Barnes Bros.  Stewart Barr held a seat on the NYSE through the entire tax period.  It does not appear that he had any other partners with seats on the exchange from 98 to 02.  Barr use letter punch cancels early in the tax period.  He appears to have switched to a hole punch by 1900.

Finley Barrell & Co was a Chicago firm; J. Finley Barrell held a seat on the NYSE through the tax period.  The firm's principle business was at the Chicago Board of Trade, and it is likely that the stamps above were used on futures contracts at the CBOT.  This will be the first of many firms with a presence at the NYSE whose main business was not at the exchange, and with which cancel examples likely come from other business operations.

Bartlett, Frazier also was a Chicago-based firm, with its primary business interests in Chicago and the midwest.  Frank Frazier held a seat on the NYSE throughout the tax period.  Most of the stamps above were likely used on futures contracts in Chicago.

William Baylis' firm Baylis & Co. and his seat at the NYSE were stable and in operation throughout the 1898 tax period.

J. S. Bearns' firm J. S. Bearns & Co. and his seat at the NYSE were stable and in operation throughout the 1898 tax period.

It appears that William Beekman gave up his seat on the exchange prior to July 1, 1900, though he was listed as a member at the beginning of the tax period.  His firm remained in operation though, as you can see by the dates on the canceled stamps above.  Malcolm Campbel is listed as a Beekman partner with a seat from 1898 through 1902, while Albert Hatch was with the firm and his own seat from 1900 through 1902.  An R. S. Anderson briefly makes an appearance in 1900 as a non-partner associate with a NYSE seat.

Nathan T. Beers' firm Nathan T. Beers & Co. and his seat at the NYSE were stable and in operation throughout the 1898 tax period.

John W. Beers and William F. Owens' firm Beers & Owens was stable and in operation throughout the 1898 tax period.  Beers held the seat on the exchange.  The example of this type of box cancel, on a 2 cent battleship no less, is so far unique among Wall Street firms.

There was philatelic heavy fuel at Bell & Company.  Never mind the endlessly fascinating exploration of who was canceling stamps at the NYSE during 1898 tax period (if you think I'm being sarcastic here, try being in my head).  Alfred Caspary acquired his seat at the NYSE sometime between late 1898 and early 1900, and was an associate of Bell & Co in the 1900 and 01 NYSE membership lists.  By 02 he is listed at DeWitt & Company, which can be found further down on this page.  Seems that the Bell firm shut its doors sometime in late 01 or early 02 and that Charles DeWitt (at T. D. Hooper at the beginning of the tax period but with Bell by 1900) organized a self-named firm and brought over a few of Bell's NYSE members with him, including Caspary.  By 1902 the principles in Bell & Company, Edward Bell and Edward Talcott, had given up their seats on the exchange. 

It has been mentioned on this site, but to remind, most of the photographs of the brokers on this page like that of E. C. Benedict above come from an 1897 volume entitled King's Views of the New York Stock Exchange.  I've posted a link to the PDF before but now it appears that links to online versions are now dead.  Originals are being sold for up to $1250 while reprinters are offering to sell you a newly printed version.  I'll see if I can post a PDF version and make it publicly available.  

Meanwhile, E. C. Benedict firm E. C. Benedict & Company and his seat at the NYSE were stable and in operation throughout the 1898 tax period.  Frederick H. Benedict was also a part of the firm from the start of the tax period, but apparently gave up his seat by 1902.  L. C. Huntington, a NYSE member, was with the firm as an associate in 01 & 02.

LeGrand L. Benedict's firm LeGrand L. Benedict & Co. and his seat at the NYSE were stable and in operation throughout the 1898 tax period.  The cancels on these stamps appear on a five cent batttleship stamp in an article in The American Revenuer, 2023 1Q.  The authors (Bob Mustacich, Paul Reese, Frank Sente, and David Thompson) do not assign this to a category as there were not enough examples at publication to demonstrate a pattern or indicate a central location of use.  Here, at least, we have a likely use in New York City, though the authors of the ARA article placed it in a category of cancels of unknown location.

Perhaps this is a good moment to discuss how it was determined that the LLB & Co. is a cancel from Mr. Benedict and his Wall Street firm.  Without having the cancel on a brokers memo for confirmation, a well-founded assumption has been made and a tool has been built to help determine identity.  I start with a basic assumption that a significant plurality of the dollar value 1898s were used for stock transfers, and with most of that high dollar value activity taking place at the NYSE, look for possible matches between the data in the cancel and the known members and firms at the exchange.  This matching process might be super tedious save for the development of a Google Sheets database of the brokers and firms that includes broker names, firm names, firm initials.  So far the 1900 membership list is fully entered into the database; there is more updating to come.  The database was adequate to search the initials LLB&Co and it found LeGrand L. Benedict & Company.  Given that the payment of a tax of a dollar or more was extremely rare for most people in 1898, but common for brokers like Mr. Benedict, the probability that the LLB&Co cancel applies to almost any other individual or firm is highly remote.  If I were to start with the ARA article author's five cent battleship example, the strength of the fundamental assumption is much weaker as the five cent battleships were used in much greater numbers by a broad range of individuals and firms.  

This one probably belongs under S. J. Drake, as the membership lists designate that Bianchi was always associated with Drake's firm, for all 4 years of the tax period.  However, as you see above, even when on an S. J. Drake memo of sale, Bianchi cancels were used, and we have examples that range from 1899 to 1902.  So I'll keep Bianchi under the Bs, and when S. J. Drake cancels are found those will be added under the Ds.  John Bianchi and Drake were both members of the NYSE.

I'm fairly sure that this is the only broker I know that uses his own cancel rather than that of the firm where he is based.  If all brokers did this then the pool of possible cancels would expand dramatically.  What is interesting is that Mr. Drake is trading on behalf on John Bianchi's account according to the memo.  So not only is Bianchi a broker at Drake's firm, Drake's firm also trades on his account.  And they have printed special memos for those transactions.  It is doubtful that this is a unique case.  

R. H. Bissell's firm R. H. Bissell & Co. and his seat at the NYSE were stable and in operation throughout the 1898 tax period.  Brayton Ives was a member and based at Bissell in 98 but appears to have moved from at least 1900.

John I. Blair, pictured, seems to have been the patriarch of an expansive group of brokers at Blair & Co.  John I. was not a member of the exchange by 1898; that privilege belonged to another Blair, perhaps a younger one, C. Ledyard Blair, who held that seat through 1902.  Other non-member brokers in the firm included D. C. Blair, James A. Blair, John B. Dennis, and Edgar Marston.  The firm was in business through the tax period, so one should be able to find cancels for 98, 99, 00 and 02 to complement the lonely example above.

Joseph Allen Blair experienced organizational churn around and during the time of the 1898 tax period, as he was a part of three different partnerships during those years.  Just before July 1, 1898, he was a partner in the firm Fuller, Blair & Co., though by July 1 he had created the firm Joseph A. Blair & Son with his son, J. Ballard Blair.  Joseph Allen Blair held the seat on the exchange for the firm.  By July 1, 1901, he had created a new partnership, Roberts, Blair & Co.  It appears he might have given up on his son?  There will be a follow up with a Roberts, Blair & Company memo when we get to the R brokers in this series.

Meanwhile, the Blair cancels help answer a question regarding cancel identification in the 1Q 2023 American Revenuer (TAR) article on regional handstamped cancels.  The Joseph A. Blair memo above shows a fancy badge cancel on the R173s on the memo.  In addition to the J. A. Blair badge cancel above are the Roberts, Blair cancels to the right.  Blair was using the badge cancels and almost certainly the same supplier for the cancels across the tax period, with a change in the initials from J.A.B.&Son to R.B.&Co.  Note the R184, "gray" $1 stamp on the right is canceled 1903!  Clearly someone made an error in setting the year on the date tablet.  Whatever the case, this type of cancel can be found on a reference cancel on a R185 in TAR.  Tentatively referred to as a Star Stamp Company cancel in the TAR article, it is of the style and type as the known Star cancels.  But because there are, however, many other possible manufacturers of this cancel type, the manufacturer's identity is made tentatively.  To date there is no other known user of this type of badge cancel at the NYSE except for Mr. Blair.

Henry Block was a member of the NYSE by mid-1898, but was not listed as a part of a co-partnership or firm by then.  However, by 1900, he had established Henry Block & Company, and had two seated partners in his firm in addtion to himself: Charles E. Schafer and Henry Weisl.  The R173 above has a simple "Henry Block" 1899 cancel; the subsequent stamps, dated or either likely dated 1900 or after, are canceled Henry Block & Co.  Schafer & Weisl would remain with Henry Block & Co. through the tax period.

Technically, Henry Block and Henry Block & Co should probably be disaggregated from an organizational and collecting standpoint, as they were two different trading and canceling entities.  I'll keep them together for now, but if more "Henry Block" cancels appear I'll likely split them apart then.

Sylvester L. Blood first gained his seat at the NYSE in 1869, and maintained that seat at least through the end of 1898 tax period.  The firm S. L. Blood & Co. does not appear to be listed in the 1898 membership or partnership list, however, it does appear by 1900.  

David Boody, the clean-shaven chap in the upper right photo, was a US Congressman from March 1891 till his resignation in October of the same year to become the Mayor of Brooklyn.  Henry Boody to his left above was the seated member of the NYSE in this partnership, and maintained his seat through the tax period.

Simon Borg & Company was in operation throughout the 1898 tax period.  His NYSE-seated partner was Leo Speyer, also for the entire tax period.  Let's find some more Simon Borg cancels, particularly on the later stamps.

There were two Bouviers at the NYSE during the 1898 tax years, Michel Charles Bouvier and his brother John Vernou Bouvier.  Each acquired their seats in 1869 and both still maintained their seats through 1902.  They were never listed as partners through the tax period, so likely were trading using different cancels on their stamps.  There are several types of handstamps above, some clearly belonging to M. C. Bouvier, but I wonder if the larger block Bouvier cancels could be from John V..  I'm thinking they are probably all from Michel Charles, as John Bouvier never added "& Co" to his name, and that is present on one of those big block cancels above.  M. C. Bouvier & Co was a fairly large firm that would have been expected to have used many memos and stamps.  So I'm keeping an eye out for cancels that unambiguously belong to John V. Bouvier.

BTW, this was the Bouvier family of the eventual Jackie Kennedy.

Walter Bowne is a bit squirrely in the membership lists of the period.  His company, Walter Bowne & Co., is never referenced or listed.  And he is simply missing from the 1901 list I'm using but reappears for the 02 list.  I doubt he gave up his seat for a year and that we have a listing error.  I believe he held a NYSE seat for all four years of the tax period, but I'm not sure for how long he organized himself as Walter Bowne & Company.  The cancels above are all from late 1900 and early 1901.  It would be nice to have a wider date range on those cancels to see how he might have been trading in 98 and 02.

Dwight Braman was a member of the NYSE through tax period and does not appear to have worked or traded through any partnerships during those years.  He did use what appears so far to be a unique cancel on the stamp above.

J. B. Breese & Co. is another Chicago firm with the named principle holding a seat at the NYSE.  The stamp above came from an accumulation of dollar value 1898s that were all used by Chicago firms; likely in Chicago itself.  There was a Breese & Smith partnership at the NYSE, based in New York, but the stamp above is almost certainly from J. B. Breese given its origin and the cancel itself that reads "Breese & C".  David and I have yet to find any Breese & Smith examples.  J. B. Breese was not listed as holding a NYSE seat from 1900.  

Charles Britton held a seat at the NYSE through the tax period, but was not listed as having organized Britton & Fiero till the 1900 membership list.  

There are two firms during the 1898 tax period with the intials B B & Co that could cause some confusion in identifying cancel origin: the venerable Brown Brothers & Co of Boston and Brown, Bruns & Co of New York.  You might think that one way to tell them apart might be that a comma that should belong after the first B on a Brown, Bruns cancel, but as you can see on the memo below, that is not the case.  I have numerous B. B. & Co. cancels off document that I think I should add to the Brown Bros page above, but I'm holding out till I'm a bit more certain of where they belong.  Brown Bros was a much larger firm, and traded on the Boston exchange and the NYSE.  The R174 above was used in Boston and its the city identifier that helps me confirm the cancel's origin.  Waldron P. Brown, the older, bearded man on the above right, held the seat at the NYSE for Brown Brothers during the 1898 tax period.

Brown, Bruns did not last through the 1898 tax period.  Seneca D. Brown, the older gentleman to the left above, was in partnership with Edwin G. Bruns who was the partner holding the seat on the NYSE.  Sometime in late 1899 or early 1900, Edwin Bruns left the firm, as Bruns is listed as an independent and no longer a part of the Brown Burns partnership.  I believe the memo above was used after Bruns' departure, given the date of the memo and date on the cancels, with what appears to be Seneca Brown's son, Frederick Brown, as the new partner with a seat at the exchange.  By 1901, Seneca D. Brown & Company would be organized, with Frederick Brown holding the NYSE seat.

See Brown, Bruns above.  Seneca D. Brown & Co operated from 1901 through the end of the tax period.

Vernon C. Brown & Company was the successor firm to Watson & Brown.  The transition between firms took place during the tax period, sometime in late 1900 or early 1901.  Both firms used initial punch cancels; the Watson & Brown version being a simple W & B.  Vernon C. Brown did not hold a seat at the exchange; his seated partner was Stephen H. Brown, and the firm hosted two NYSE member associates, Samuel F. Kimball and Walter Watson Jr.  

Buckhout, Davis were trading from the beginning to the end of the 1898 tax period, with Edward Weeks Buckhout as the NYSE seated partner of the company.  The firm would host numerous NYSE seated associates during the tax period, including Oliver Bridgman, T. F. Forest, Alex Smith and Alex Smith Jr. who would come to Buckhout Davis after being based at W. T. Meredith & Co in 1900, and E. de C. Chisholm, who would leave BD and move to M. C. Bouvier by 1902.  Buckhout, Davis showed great consistency in its canceling devices, as it used a similarly designed device from 1898 through 1902 based on the cancels on the R173s and the R191 above.

William H. Burger was in partnership with H. I. Judson by July 1, 1898.  By 1900 he had established his self-named firm where both he and his partner William Perry Talbot held seats at the NYSE.  The cancels above show that he was actively trading with his new firm in 1900 and doing so into 1902.

That is Howard K. Burras in the photo at the above right.  He is listed as holding a NYSE seat 1898-1902, while his partner Benno Klopfer is first listed with his own seat by 1900.  The company was in operation throughout the tax period.

Edward Burrill and Charles Stitt maintained their partnership and both of their NYSE seats through the entire 1898 tax period.  Their NYSE member associate C. T. Minton was also with them for all 4 years while another NYSE seated associate, Victor A. Edwards, moved over from Hatch & Foote to join them by 1900.

Arthur Butler is listed as the NYSE seated member of this firm, initially by 1900 as the firm does not appear to have operative by 1898, and Arthur Butler was not a member of the NYSE by 98.  Arthur Butler is subsequently listed with his seat and with the firm (likely with his brother, G. P.), through the remainder of the tax period.

Not much drama with Mr. Cahn.  He maintained his own seat at the NYSE and traded outside any partnership as simply Jacob Cahn for the full 1898 tax period.  His office address was 20 Broad Street.  

Language from 2011:

In September 2011, we began on this site an open study and review of cancels made by stock brokers on 1898 series revenue stamps.  The search for and research on these stamps is an ongoing project.  Yet there have already been many posts on this subject to date.  Below are series of links to areas of this site:  at the top are links to overview "posts" on the subject.  Below those are links to posts on specific stock brokers and their cancels. 

I have generally found that the majority of handstamp cancels on the dollar value "commerce" stamps of the 1898 series were made by stock brokers and bankers in New York.  An 1897 publication, "King's Views of the The New York Stock Exchange", is singularly valuable in helping to identify and begin basic tracing of many of the cancels on the dollar value stamps.  To learn about this volume and reach a link to a PDF file of the book, click on the link immediately below:


Some posts focus on series of stamps cancelled by many firms.  An example are post(s) on the executives of the New York Stock Exchange.  Those posts are immediately below:


The majority of posts on this subject are on the firms and their cancels.  Below are links directly to pages on this site of those firms.  As some brokers have a history of more than one post on this site, multiple links are possible.  See Ladenburg, Thalman, for example.

A. A. Housman & Company
Frederick W. Perry
G. Edward Graff & Company
George B. Hopkins & Company
George H. Holt & Company
George P. Butler & Brother
George S. Hendrickson
Goldsmith, Wolf & Company
Groesbeck & Sterling
Gustav Sidenberg & Kraus
Halle & Stieglitz
Halle & Stieglitz
Halsey & Hudnut
Halsted & Hodges
Harris Hutton & Company
Harris & Fuller
Harry L. Horton & Company
Hatch & Foote
Haven & Stout
H. B. Hollins & Company
H. B. Hollins & Company
H. Content & Company
H. I. Nicholas & Company
H. G. Campbell & Company
Henry Allen & Company
Henry Block
Henry Brothers
Henry Clews & Company
Henry P. Goldschmidt & Company
Herzfeld & Stern
Hollister & Babcock
Holmes & Company
Hopkins Brothers
Horace L. Hotchkiss
Howard Lapsley & Company
Hunter, Cooper & Company

I. F. Mead & Company
I. & S. Wormser
Jacob Cahn
James D. Smith & Company
James H. Oliphant & Company
James M. Leopold & Company
James McGovern
Jewett Brothers
J. Hugh Peters & Son
John Bianchi
John H. Davis & Company
John H. Jacquelin & Company
John Hone
Johnson & Wood
Joseph Offenbach
Joshua W. Davis & Company
Keep & Keen