In the first year of this site, a 2 cent documentary stamp was featured with a prominent cancel "The Turners of Philadelphia". At the time I figured I was looking at a cancel by the German-American organization called The Turners, whose main purpose was to promote physical fitness. However, in the intervening years, and with my personal discovery of a 5/8 cent proprietary stamp with the same "The Turners" cancel, it is clear that The Turners of Philadelphia was a very different business that the German-American one. In fact, Philly Turners can be found in the proprietary focused Battlehsip Desk Reference data base. So today I will reprise that original post, and make a correction to the identity of the cancel on the R164.
The Turners of Philadelphia was a prominent proprietary medicine manufacturer. The Merck Report of April 1, 1898 featured a full page story regarding the firm that was originally published in the Philadelphian.
While I got the cancel ID wrong back in 2009, what's become clear is that it is possible to put together an interesting collection of battleship stamps cancelled by firms that used both proprietary and documentary stamps. Most commonly, the examples come from pharmaceutical companies that required them for the taxes on their products but also for financial and other taxed documentary transactions. Examples on this site include Johnson & Johnson and McKesson & Robbins, and now, The Turners of Philadelphia.
Far less common are organizations or firms whose primary business was not pharmaceuticals but might have used proprietaries on occasion. The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway evidently used one cent proprietaries in a pinch when they likely couldn't get the documetary versions for their bills of lading.
Cancel for October 25: The Turners of Philadelphia

Cancelled 50 years after the founding of The Turners organization.

US commemorative postage stamp issued in 1948 for the 100th anniversary of the founding of The Turners. (Scott 979)
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