Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Collector's Guide to the 1898 Documentary Printed Precancels: The Gould's St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway

The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern (StLIM&SRY), a part of the Missouri Pacific system, produced a limited number of collectible precancels.  There are essentially only two, with the same arched cancel applied to the rouletted and hyphen-holed stamps as the railroad produced and used precancels throughout the 1898 tax period.

A philatelist who gets a bit more into the weeds might discrimate between cancel colors, as ink of these cancels can be red, and quite often, orange red.  Below the rouletted stamp is orange red, the hyphen-hole, red.  Both rouletted and hyphen-holed stamps may be found in both colors.

St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway printed precancel on the one cent roulette battleship

St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway printed precancel on the one cent hyphen-hole battleship

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