Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Original 1898 Documentary Printed Cancel Inventory: Clarence Chappell's 1942 List

10 years before Fullerton published his list, Clarence Chappell produced a documentary railroad printed cancel list and published it in the February 7, 1942 edition of the Weekly Philatelic Gossip.

Fullerton credited Mr. Chappell for providing assistance in the compilation of his list, and credited the structure of his list to Chappell's work.  As such, The format for Chappell's documentary cancel list is identical to his better known proprietary cancel list.  But the field was clearly very much in the discovery phase in the middle of the 20th century, as there are several railroads and major types missing from Mr. Chappell's list that were accounted for by Fullerton, including:

  • CB&N: Chicago, Burlington & Northern
  • CFM&DMRR: Chicago, Fort Madison & Des Moines Railroad
  • KCNWRR: Kansas City, North Western Railroad
  • SC&PRR: Sioux City & Pacific Railroad - No Year Date

Several Fullerton listed cancels on the two cent battleships were not in Chappell's list, including:

  • B&MRRRinNeb:  Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska
  • CB&QRR:  Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
  • H&StJRR:  Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad (this is a curious listing for Fullerton as I have not been able to confirm whether this cancel exists on the two cent battleship)
  • I&GNRR:  International & Great Northern Railroad

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