Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Collector's Guide to 1898 Documentary Printed Precancels: Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Uses

The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, later to become the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific, and to be generally known as The Milwaukee Road, had mainlines that ran parallel to the Northern Pacific Railroad and the Great Northern Railroad, though it did so at first by way of Milwaukee after leaving the Chicago.  The railroad also ran lines west from Chicago into Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska.  Depots along their routes can be found on the stamps and documents below.

Jackson Junction, Iowa handstamp

Davenport, Iowa handstamp

Milwaukee Station handstamp

Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha, Nebraska handstamp

Livestock bill of lading with one cent hyphen-hole

Bill of lading for bulk shelled corn from McFarlin Grain Company in Madrid, Iowa to Allen Moore in Chillicothe, Missouri, with one cent hyphen-hole

Bill of lading from Milwaukee to what appears to be H. W. Martin of Eureka, Wisconsin

Bill of lading for bulk wheat from Victoria Elevator Co. in Aberdeen, South Dakota to Victoria Elevator Co. in Minneapolis

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