Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Collector's Guide to 1898 Documentary Printed Precancels: Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska Uses

Handstamp from Denver, Colorado.  The B&MRRR lines went as far west as Denver, Cheyenne  Wyoming, and Billings, Montana.

Handstamp by Wells Fargo.  It's not clear to me why a Wells Fargo cancel would appear on a two cent B&MRRR stamp, but there are numerous copies of this stamp with a Wells Fargo cancel.

This is not a usage example, but it is an interesting example of a Burlington Route multiple.  I've seen hundreds of one and two cent Burlington Route precanceled stamps; this is the only multiple I know of.  The company's management must have kept closer accounting of their stamp inventories compared to some other railroads.

Omaha was the most significant eastern terminus on the B&MRRR mainlines.  Walter G. Clark was a sporting goods company, and sold guns and ammo among other items.  I guess the shells listed above could be shotgun or other gun shells?  Wahoo is close to Omaha.

Live stock contract/bill of lading for what appears to be 76 live hogs shipped in a 30 foot railroad car.

Payment to the Chicago & Western Railway of Grand Rapids, Michigan for service on one or more B&MRRR cars.

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