Back after a month -- been a bit busy with another project. Lots of material has come in that is worth working through and posting, so we'll see how the next few weeks go. Today's entry is from David Thompson, who has shared a pair of R187s with a cancel from The General Manifold Company:
O. D. BLEAKLEY, Treas'r.
APR 23 1901 APR 23 1901
When I first saw this cancel I assumed that the company was involved in the manufacture of engine manifolds. Seemed like a muscular and needed business during the age of steel and railroads back at the turn of the century. Turns out that the business produced a form of carbon paper that would allow businesses to make ready copies of its documents. In particular, the company produced carbon paper products for railroads, and there are feature articles in various railroad publications from the time on the company and its product. Their business was big enough that they built a large plant in Franklin, Pennsylvania to produce their office supplies:
The General Manifold Company plant, Franklin, PA
A brief description of the company's activity can be found in the 1904 edition of Railway and Locomotive Engineering:
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