Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Collector's Guide to 1898 Documentary Printed Precancels: American Express Company Collectible Varieties

American Express printed so many precancels on the the one cent battleship stamp that there were bound to be multiple printing varieties; Fullerton noted several of what should be considered minor varieties that included differently shaped periods and missing periods.  In this post will be highlighted two major collectible varieties:  the invert and a double printing, followed by a few examples of what I consider minor varieties.

Type two 1900 invert, ex-Joyce:

Type two, 1901 double, unlisted by Fullerton, ex-Tolman:

Minor varieties:

Type one with skinny period after the "x", unlisted by Fullerton:

Type two, 189_ roulette, no period after the "X", listed by Fullerton:

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