Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014 Minnesota Stamp Show

The 2014 Minnesota Stamp Show was the site of the American Revenue Association annual meeting this year.  The timing of my annual leave this summer coincided with the show, and I managed to be in St. Paul and attend the show for a few hours on Friday and Sunday, even making the Friday night Association dinner.  I had the opportunity to meet many members for the first time, and see others for the first time in several years.  

 Frank Sente and your correspondent with his 1898 Revenue on-document use exhibit and his many honors, including the show Grand.

Active contributors to this site over the years exhibited 1898 material at the show and experienced top level success.  Frank Sente rolled out the on-document exhibit that he originally showed in Minnesota 3 years ago; this time it won the show grand.  Bob Hohertz showed his Revenue Stamp paper material and took Reserve Grand, and Herman Ivester received a single frame gold for his St. Louis Provisional material.

I look forward, if timing permits, to future Minnesota Stamp Shows!  It was great this year seeing old faces again and meeting new people. 


Frank Sente

A Fiscal History of the US Documentary Taxes 1898 - 1902:
Show Grand
Best Revenue Exhibit
Show Gold

Bob Hohertz

Revenue Stamp Paper of the Spanish-American War Tax Period:
Show Reserve Grand
Show Gold

Herman Ivester

The St. Louis Proprietary Provisionals - July 1898
Show Single Frame Gold

Bob Mustacich

The Rare Bookends of the 1898-1899 Documentary Revenues
Show Silver-Bronze

Bob Hohertz was also recognized in the single frame category for his 1932 check tax exhibit.

Bob Hohertz and his show Reserve Grand.

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