Bob Hohertz on Stamped Paper

Here at 1898 Revenues I have written a series of posts, among others, on the stamped paper of the 1898 tax period.  You can find links to all those posts below.  Yet I also have a variety of other collecting interests and activities that are available on the web, and I invite you to visit those sites.

I'm currently serving as President of the American Revenue Association and Editor of The Check Collector, quarterly magazine of the American Society of Check Collectors.  Ron Lesher and I are working on a book that should include all one could possibly want to know about the one and two-cent revenue stamped paper. And my interrupted interested in photography is starting to come back to life with the availability of competent digital cameras.

My collecting Interests include U.S. revenues, particularly revenue stamped paper and commercial covers franked with one or more of the 1938 Presidential definitive series. I've been collecting revenues for more than thirty years, and the Prexie covers for almost that long.

Exhibits: I've been exhibiting at World Series of Philately shows for more than ten years, and have become qualified as a judge. My only multiple-frame exhibit so far goes by the (too long) title of "Revenue Stamped Paper of the Spanish American War Tax Era." I show a subset of this, in more detail, in one frame: "Revenue Imprinted Parlor Car Tickets, 1898 - 1902." My other two active one-frame exhibits are "Martha Does Her Part - Use of the 1938 Martha Washington Definitive on Covers Mailed or Forwarded at One-and-One Half cent Rates, 1938-56" (talk about too long!) and "Evidences of the 1932 Check Tax." There is also one involving EFO's of the Civil War revenue stamped paper caused by the imprint printers which needs total revision and more thought about the point that it should be making. Who knows what else may follow?

Web Pages: I have put up web pages that include a look at Civil War revenue stamped paper plus inventories of the rarer types
(including some Spanish American War ones), a comprehensive site on the U. S. private die proprietary issues, very basic looks at the Scott listed revenues, and the so-called taxpaids, and one featuring Prexie covers.  All can be found by going to the home page of my website at
My wife and I live in Northfield, Minnesota, within reasonable driving distance of our three married daughters and five grandchildren. My working life was spent as an actuary in Saint Louis, Missouri, but I've been too busy with other pursuits to do any remunerated work for some time now.

Posts/Entries on this website on stamped paper:

I began involvement with this website with a series of posts on Scott listed 1898 series stamped paper, all published in 2010:

Bob Hohertz on 1898 Series Stamped Paper Part 1 -- 2010 August 14

Scott RN-X1: Bob Hohertz on 1898 Series Stamped Paper Part 2 -- 2010 August 15

Scott RN-X4: Bob Hohertz on 1898 Series Stamped Paper Part 3 -- 2010 August 21

Scott RN-X5: Bob Hohertz on 1898 Series Stamped Paper Part 4 -- 2010 August 28

Scott RN-X6: Bob Hohertz on 1898 Series Stamped Paper Part 5 -- 2010 October 19

Scott RN-X7: Bob Hohertz on 1898 Series Stamped Paper Part 6 -- 2010 November 3

Additional stamped paper entries have included a variety of subjects:

Imprinted Check for Use by the Jr. O.U.A.M. -- Hohertz: 2011 August 31

The Oddest Imprinted Check I've Ever Seen -- Hohertz: 2011 August 23

What is in the Sample Books? -- Hohertz: 2011 June 18

A Repeat Offender -- Hohertz: 2011 May 7

Imprint Plus Adhesive - Part 1 -- Hohertz: 2011 April 27
Imprint Plus Adhesive - Part 2 -- Hohertz: 2011 May 3
Imprint Plus Adhesive - Part 2 Footnote -- Hohertz: 2011 May 22
Imprint Plus Adhesive - Part 3 -- Hohertz: 2011 May 31

If it was Good Once...Attempts to use Civil War Imprints in the Spanish American War Tax Period -- Hohertz: 2011 April 19

Some Additional Notes on Redemption of Spanish American War Imprints -- Hohertz: 2011 April 5

Use of Officially Returned and Redeemed Stamped Paper -- Hohertz: 2011 March 16

The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company -- Hohertz: 2011 January 7

The Cincinnati, Portsmouth & Virginia Railroad Company Buys Revenue Stamps -- Hohertz: 2010 December 21