Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Collector's Guide to 1898 Documentary Printed Precancels: The Gould's Cotton Belt Route Part 1, The St. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company

The St. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company apparently produced a limited number of types of printed precancels; according to Fullerton there was only one type, to be found on both the roulette and hyphen-hole one cent battleships.  No two cent precancels are known.  However, there now is a known St. Louis, Southwestern Railway of Texas two cent precancel; there is the possibility for cancel discovery with this railway.  These precancels are quite scarce.

ST. L. S. W. RY. CO. roulette.

ST. L. S. W. RY. CO. hyphen-hole.

bill of lading use of the hyphen-hole precancel.

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