Thursday, June 27, 2024

Pittsburgh Stock Brokers: The Search Continues Part 1

For several years I've ID'd stamps that were likely cancelled by Pittsburgh brokers and have squirreled them away on a special stock book page.  At the beginning of this month I decided to unpack them on this site, starting with the mysterious cancels of Wilson & Company.  Web postings were made interesting by the existence of a Pittsburgh financial newspaper called Money, that only began to publish in late 1902, but which secured the advertisements of a significant majority of the firms and members of the Pittsburgh Stock Exchange during the 1898 tax period.  

The cropped advertisements inserted into this post, and the following post, represent firms in which cancels are still sought.  If you have seen cancels like that above for J. L. D. Speer & Company please let me know.  

Also sought:

Burns & Reilly

E. D. Gartner & Company.  Gartner's advert stretched across the top of two pages of the newspaper, so the two images above were part of the same advertisement.

George B. Hill & Company

George W. MacMullen & Company

Hoag & Grier

James Carothers & Company

Lytle & Davis

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