Saturday, December 28, 2024

R163 Bisects Certified

Back in April of this year I put up a post featuring eight H. D. Eichelberger & Company R163 bisects.  More recently a few of the bisects were submitted to the Philatelic Foundation for certification and they came back as genuine.  

In the upcoming 4th quarter edition of The American Revenuer, the bisects will feature in an article arguing that the Scott US Specialized Catalog should list these rare uses.  I'll put up the article on this site once the journal comes out.

For now, here is an example of one of the certs:

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Philadelphia Stock Brokers: Norman MacLeod & Company

N. MacL. & CO.
MAY 7- 1902

from Moses King's Philadelphia and Notable Philadelphians, 1902
MacLeod & Co. also traded at the NYSE starting in 1901 through their seated broker Robert E. Bowen.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Baltimore Stock Brokers: S. Sterrett McKim


S. McKIM & CO.

S. Sterrett McKim also held a seat on the New York Stock Exchange through 1900.

I haven't found much collateral material from Mr. McKim save for a society page notice showing the triumph of hope over fact in his life.

from The Alexandria Gazette, July 5, 1904:

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Baltimore Stock Brokers: Carroll, Elder & Company


from United States Investor, October 13, 1900

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Baltimore Stock Brokers: H. A. Orrick

H. A. Orrick.
JUN -7 1899

H. A. Orrick.
OCT -3 1899

Most of the trading at the Baltimore exchange was in local stocks, particularly utilities, and in much smaller values per trade than the NYSE.  Consequently, the the lower value battleship stamps are a good place to look for Baltimore broker cancels.

Baltimore-based stock broker H. A. Orrick was the Vice President of the Baltimore Stock Exchange when these stamps were canceled.  In 1903, Orrick was elected to succed the recently deceased Derrick Fahnestock as president of the exchange, a role he held until 1918.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Baltimore Stock Brokers: Towards a Comprehensive List for the 1898 Tax Period

Another broker list!  This time for the Baltimore Stock Exchange, which had a much smaller contingent of brokers relative to the New York and Chicago exchanges, but still provided for stock trades, and consequently, collectible cancels.  The Baltimore cancels prove to be much scarcer than NYSE cancels, but can be found with patience and persistence.  

I've only found a handfull of these cancels that I've been able to identify for certain, but expect more will turn up as I focus on the names and initials in the list.  Like the other exchanges, a comprehensive list will require finding all the lists of members from 1898 to 1902.  For now, the 1901 membership is shown below.  If a collector can find cancels representative of all the firms and individuals listed below that would be a remarkable collection!

From the 1901 Moody's Manual of Corporation Securities:

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Daniel Klock, Jr. & Company of Troy, New York, India Rubber Goods Merchants

from Minutes of the Troy Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1894

D. Klock & Jr. & Co.
Troy, N. Y.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Ralli Brothers of the British Raj

Ralli Brothers branded wrapper


Take a few minutes and go down this historical rabbit hole.  Ralli Brothers were expatriate Greek businessmen that had significant operations in England and eventually India.  By the early 1900s they evidently had business with American interests.  I suspect it likely that this stamp came from a bill of exchange, likely pounds for dollars or vice-versa.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Industrial Company Cancels: E. P. Reed & Company, Shoe Manufacturers of Rochester, New York

from the Souvenir Program  of the 5th Annual Convention of the NYS Federation of Labor, August, 1918

E. P. Reed & Co.
AUG 6 1898
Rochester, N. Y.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Industrial Company Cancels: Fox, Fultz & Company


Boston, Mass.

Fox, Fultz were purveyors of all kinds of glass and labware, in particular for pharmacists and drug makers.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Anheuser Busch and the St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company

Anheuser-Busch is arguably America's greatest brewer, despite the recent dust-up over Bud Light.  

Anheuser Busch, B. A.

Circular (or is it a pie- or bottle cap-shaped) date stamp

The St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company was a part of the Anheuser-Busch and Budweiser empire.

Adolphus Busch was the first American brewer to use pasteurization to keep beer fresh; the first to use mechanical refrigeration and refrigerated railroad cars, which he introduced in 1876; and the first to bottle beer extensively. By 1877, the company owned a fleet of 40 refrigerated railroad cars to transport beer. Expanding the company's distribution range led to increased demand for Anheuser products, and the company substantially expanded its facilities in St. Louis during the 1870s. The expansions led production to increase from 31,500 barrels in 1875 to more than 200,000 in 1881.To streamline the company's refrigerator car operations and achieve vertical integration, Busch established the St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company in 1878, which was charged with building, selling, and leasing refrigerator cars; by 1883, the company owned 200 cars, and by 1888 it owned 850.  

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Philadelphia Stock Brokers: Drexel & Company

APR - 1899

Poor's Manual, 1886

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Philadelphia Stock Brokers: George A. Huhn & Sons


From The History of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, ed. Andrew Wallace Barnes:

The banking firm of George A. Huhn & Sons was founded in January, 1894, by George A. Huhn, and first opened for business at 143 South Fourth Street.  Associated with him in the business were his sons George A. Huhn Jr., and Samuel P. Huhn.  A general banking business, besides operations in the purchase and sale of investment securities, the issues of municipal or public service securities, stocks and bonds, was carried by the firm.

George Huhn maintained a seat at the New York Stock Exchange throughout the 1898 tax period.  

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Philadelphia Stock Brokers: Toland Brothers

Toland Brothers & Company primarily traded on the Philadelphia exchange but senior partner E. D. Toland also held a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. The above memo, for shares in the "Philadelphia Company", was for a sale made on the Philadelphia Exchange. Unfortunately the cancel is not clear. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Philadelphia Stock Brokers: Bioren & Company



From Who's Who in Philadelphia in Wartime, 1920

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Philadelphia Stock Brokers: Robert Koons & Company



from The Commercial & Financial Chronicle, April 2, 1892